Zeitraum: 03.12.2018

It’s done!

EUROBAUSTOFF achieves 2017 annual result already in late November

Today at noon EUROBAUSTOFF reports that it has exceeded its 2017 purchasing volume of €6.106 billion. As a result, it now wants to achieve a significant increase together with its specialist retail partners in the approximately 19 working days left, provided the weather remains favourable for construction in December as well.


“We had included an improvement in the result for 2018 in our budget”, Dr. Eckhard Kern, chairman of the board of EUROBAUSTOFF said, speaking to the press on the last Thursday of November. “However, we could not expect to achieve this already one month before the end of the year. Considering this, the current development is all the more pleasing.”

As this increase in purchases had not been included in the budget, nobody expected any “big jumps” after the first quarter, of course. After all, it was a quarter of ups and downs: an excellent January with absolute top figures, a normal unsteady February, followed by an icy March with heavy snowfall and negative double-digit financial figures. The industry was also seriously struggling in the second quarter and EUROBAUSTOFF was no exception, suffering a plunging turnover in May, the cause of which is still to be determined.

“We certainly created a conservative budget plan for 2018, as we usually do”, Kern admits. “However, a large drywall retailer from East Germany, two building material retailers and one wood retailer from Austria left our corporation at the beginning of the year. At the same time, a specialist for wood construction and one for civil engineering from Bavaria joined EUROBAUSTOFF. It is hard to predict the impact of such changes on purchasing volume, especially in the first year.”

The newcomers then noticeably influenced the development in turnover, which is significantly reflected in the individual production lines. However, they only had a minor impact on the corporation’s growth in turnover.

“The decisive factor in our growth for me is that it was due to our partner retailers. They are doing a fantastic job this year, despite many obstacles: despite logistical problems in the industry and a shortage in specialist workers in their own ranks and in trades. Furthermore, they are committed to digitalisation, which is a very work-intensive process. This requires a lot of time and resources and is done alongside regular business.”

Therefore, the chairman of the board is not worried about 2019. “The economy in the construction sector continues to be at a high level, our specialist retailers are well-positioned, have modern locations, continue to invest heavily in sales floors or showrooms and are now actively involved in the digitalisation of the construction sector.”

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Thorsten Schmidt

Thorsten Schmidt


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